Take a Stand on Principles

What makes a leader trustworthy?

Although building trust is the first book of the leadership bible, yet TRUST is a fuzzy concept, easy to feel hard to explain. We all own certains principles based on which we live. Trust is not that much about the goodness or badness of our principles that it’s about their consistent manifestation in our lives. People can’t trust those who are playing all the angles to get advantage of every single opportunity to reach their goal. Unpredictable people can not gain the trust of others.

Real leaders are those who respect certain principles consistently even when hard decisions are to be made, even when it forces choosing between priorities, even when it causes loss of benefits.

Ask yourself: “What are the principles that I’m consistently respecting in my life even at a great cost?”, “What principles do people know me for?” and If the answer is not clear to you, do not expect people to trust you. Building trust starts with you taking a stand on your principles.

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